About Hidden Abilities NY
My goal is to educate, empower and support individuals and families affected with autism. I believe that each individual has the ability to overcome and conquer obstacles placed in his or her path. My creative personal and strengths-based approach allows me to tap into my client’s Hidden Abilities. I specialize in working with adolescents, young adults and families who struggle with high functioning autism. Additionally, I focus on anxiety, depression, ADHD, social skill deficits and school refusal due to emotional distress.
Hidden Abilities NY was founded because I have witnessed the progression, achievement and success of individuals whose unique behaviors were channeled into strengths. By enabling them to shift their perspective they are able to realize the potential of their inner abilities. Too often individuals are tagged with labels and treated with textbook anecdote. With the proper individual guidance, support, awareness and education, my clients are able to develop and thrive.
I believe that by providing my clients with the proper tools, long-term success is achievable.